Candida - have I got it and how do I get rid of it?
Jasmin Sturm
How can I get tested for MTHFR? A single test or a full DNA Report?
Winter Wellness - how do we avoid colds and viruses?
Magnesium: a vital mineral for menopause, stress & fatigue
Hormone Testing using the DUTCH test: including oestrogen, progesterone, cortisol and melatonin
How do I get my motivation back (from a life crisis and burnout)?
Six tips to give you better energy - and reduce burnout
A healthy gut equals healthy neurotransmitter levels, better mood and energy
Bowen Therapy: body work for the body, mind and soul
The best foods for improving your mood
Is what you eat all that matters?
Which chakra needs balancing?
Are you feeling fatigued, burnt out and exhausted?
What can I do to improve my sleep?
Do you worry about your adult kids? Some of the lessons I've learnt.
Are hot flushes ruining your sleep? Is your thermostat broken?